Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

AL-MUHANDIS JOURNAL  (JMISE) is a seasonal scientific journal, covers all sorts ‎of scientific researches in many engineering fields like: Civil and ‎Construction, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Communications, ‎Computer, Chemical, Petroleum, Environmental, Materials, Water Resources ‎as well as other engineering interests. The journal offers a solid platform for Iraqi ‎engineers to publish works which translate their knowledge, expertise and skills.



Publication Ethics

The journal accepts the submission of any research work deals with engineering fields, either ‎methodology and/or applications. Prospective authors are invited to submit their ‎draft manuscript in a short paper (no more than 15 pages) using MS Word format. ‎The manuscripts should be processed through many steps in order to get ‎acceptation. These processes are: ‎

  • Authorship satisfaction
  • Standards validation
  • Plagiarism complaints
  • Anti- duplicate publication
  • Anti- misappropriation
  • Malpractice statement
  • Readable for international audiences (at least titles and abstracts in English).
  • Peer reviewing
  • Editorial acceptance

The target is that the process for each submitted manuscript should complete within (10) weeks from its submission. All papers should include: (1) Name of the journal, (2) Title of the manuscript, (3) Name and affiliation for the author(s); (4) Abstract; (5) Keywords; (6) Text of the manuscript; (7) References.


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